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07 July 2018

ShaalaKosh Ma Teacher Ni Information Bharava Mate Upyogi Patrak | English /Gujarati Format.

ShaalaKosh Ma Teacher Ni Information Bharava Mate Upyogi Patrak :-Extended U-DISE (ShaalaKosh) is a unique initiative of MHRD which aims to create a single platform to meet the data requirements of all stakeholders in school education ecosystem. The platform will cater to entire value chain requirements of the three key stakeholders - student, teacher and school management.
Extended U-DISE (ShaalaKosh) is envisioned as a decentralized platform where states will have the flexibility to determine the level of integration of their existing systems based on their requirements. The states which do not have their own digital systems or have some of the modules as proposed under the initiative will have the autonomy to adopt the whole or specific modules of the platform as per their needs. They will also be able to customize, re-purpose and extend the platform to suit their specific needs.

The platform includes the following compon

customized for teachers, headmasters, block level, district level, state level and central level administrators to facilitate entry of data in smooth and seamless manner.

in form of interactive dashboards with stakeholder relevant metrics and indicators to facilitate data-driven process management and decision making.

will be incorporated to serve as a means for driving action and accountability within the entire system.

ShaalaKosh Ma Teacher Ni Information Bharava Mate Upyogi Patrak

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